2024 Events

Click on the button below to see the full calendar of 2024 Alumni Association Events.  Click on an event to see the details of that event. 






Chautauqua's Heart




















 Fall 2023


 Dear CLSC 2022 Classmates,

This is a quick update on several items. If you wish to receive future Class of 2022 updates, please let me know and I'll add you to our email list.
- As many of you have probably heard, our classmate, Sony Ton-Aime has taken a new position as Executive Director of Pittsburgh Arts and Lectures, https://pittsburghlectures.org/welcoming-sony-ton-aime/, and as such will not be with us at Chautauqua next year.  We wish him the best and hope he will return to visit us at Chautauqua often.
- For the 2024 Chautauqua season it is customary for the class two years after graduation (us) to volunteer as docents during the two hours per week when the Pioneer Hall is open to the public.  Information about Pioneer Hall and volunteering is attached. We'll send a reminder in the Spring.
- The following is a note from our classmate, Shawndra Holmberg:

My husband Steve Parker and I are interested in starting an Aphasia-Friendly CLSC Circle. He was diagnosed with Primary Progressive Aphasia and is losing his ability to communicate. He was an avid reader but now we understand why he stopped reading in the last several years. However, he's doing really well with audio books.

We want to start a CLSC Circle to allow anyone with speech issues, like aphasia, a slower, more relaxed opportunity to share the books we read.

We've created a page on Steve's blog with our first meeting date and book. https://www.asifadeaway.net/aphasia-friendly-clsc-circle

We'd like to meet the first Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm Eastern. Steve is better in the early part of the day, which is often true for individuals with Primary Progressive Aphasia.

If anyone is interested, you may email Shawndra at shawndrah@gmail.com.
- Finally, an update on our Kate Kimball White Gift. By the end of the 2023 Season, we have raised $3,600 including matching funds, for the accessible entrance to the Octagon Building and Pioneer Hall. Thank you all for your generosity! Additional donations are always welcome through the website, https://www.clscalumni.com/story/325945.
Robin Harbage
Treasurer, CLSC Class of 2022





Dues, Volunteering, Membership

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Volunteer for an event or committee?
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 Hours in Season

Monday - Friday
12 - 5

12 - 5