2024 Events

Click on the button below to see the full calendar of 2024 Alumni Association Events.  Click on an event to see the details of that event. 






Chautauqua's Heart


Greetings CLSC Alumni Class of 2018-    News for CHQ summer 2024


  • Summer gatherings for our CLSC Alumni Class 2018 at CHQ
  • Our CLSC Alumni Class 2018 dues- please contribute
  • Update on our Class of 2018 project
  • Other news




1-Gatherings for our CLSC Alumni Class 2018 at CHQ- during CHQ 2024 summer

This summer we will have three gatherings that are just for our 2018 Class Alumni. Additionally, there are two special all-CLSC alumni gatherings where you can visit with other 2018 CLSC Alumni plus meet CLSC Alumni from other classes. 


Events ONLY for our CLSC 2018 Class:

Week 5 Monday  July 22   1:00pm -2:15pm  at Alumni Hall Dining Room –“ Books and Tea and meet Beth”      Our first CLSC 2018 class gathering, held in the dining room, is “Books and Tea and meet Beth”.  Gather with your fellow 2018 classmates and share your favorite CLSC book. This is also a special opportunity to meet Beth Hadley, the CLSC scholarship recipient that our Alumni class sponsors. See section 3 of this newsletter for more information about Beth. Beth is looking forward to meeting 2018 Alumni at this event. Cookies along with tea and lemonade with be provided. 


Week 7 (graduation week) Wednesday   August 7   7:30 am- 8:10am   “Pre-Parade Porch Gathering” Drop in at this early morning porch gathering, prior to heading to Beston Plaza to line up behind our class banner for the annual Graduation parade.  Please bring your own coffee/tea. Donuts will be provided!

We will meet on Jill Rose’s first floor porch, 49 Foster Ave, just 3 blocks to Bestor Plaza.  At 8:10 we will walk as a group to Bestor Plaza to line up at 8:15 behind our 2018 class banner. Around 8:45am the parade will begin to HOP.


Week 8  Monday August 12  1:00- 2:15 at Alumni Hall Dining Room-“ Brown Bag lunch”  Our third CLSC 2018 class gathering, held in the dining room, is a brown bag lunch starting at 1pm.  Bring whatever you like for a bag lunch. Gather with your 2018 classmates to socialize and discuss ideas for future Class 2018 gatherings.  Delicious cookies and lemonade/ water will be provided.


If you can attend, one or all three of the above 3 CLSC 2018 class- only events, it is helpful if you can email that you plan to attend, to Jill Rose at jillrose1231@gmail.com   which helps provide a food count.




Two Social Events for ALL CLSC Alumni-  note that the CLSC Alumni Assoc previously sent detailed emails about these two special event.  Additionally, see CLSC Alumni website.


Week 3  Tuesday July 9   5:00pm- 6:15pm at Alumni Hall Ballroom-  “CLSC Meet and Greet Social”   This is a social event for CLSC Alumni. Our guest of honor for this event is Mary Lee Talbot, author of Chautauqua’s Heart.

Wine/ lemonade/ ice tea along with cheese/ crackers will be served.  This is a complementary event. To attend, register with Kathy Hurst, Alumassocexecsec@gmail.com  providing your name and the year your graduated -2018.  Indicate if you are bringing a plus 1.


Week 7 (graduation week)  Wednesday   August 7   5pm-8:pm “ Gala Celebration” The alumni Gala celebration is a special dinner and social event for CLSC Alumni held at the Athenaeum Hotel.  Registration required.  Fee event. More information about this very special event is on the CLSC Alumni Website. Note that you can request to sit at a table with your fellow CLSC 2018 alumni.








2-Our CLSC Alumni Class 2018 dues-    PLEASE READ


Many alumni are confused about:  annual CLSC duesCLSC alumni association dues, and alumni CLASS dues. These are three different dues that contribute to three different funds.( Note that if you are a member of The Guild of Seven Seals they also request dues).

CLSC Dues:

Some individuals think if they pay their annual CLSC dues of $10 for which they receive 10% discount on buying CLSC books for the season that they are paying their alumni association CLSC dues. But that is not the case. For example, CLSC dues help fund authors who are presenting their books at CHQ.





CLSC Alumni Association Dues:

These dues go to the overall CLSC Alumni Association and fund Alumni Hall items and other alumni projects.  Alumni Association dues are $20 and can be paid online at www.clscalumni.org  see DUES tab or in person at the front desk in Alumni Hall.


CLSC CLASS 2018 Dues and white gift:

Our 2018 alumni class dues are supporting a four year scholarship of one individual (organized by the CLSC Alumni Association) which is approximately $940 each year.  Our class budget also funds a few other items such as our class social events. We are requesting that each 2018 alumni pay a 2018 CLASS dues of $25 (or whatever you can contribute), for this year and the next two years in support of this scholarship program.  Be sure that you pay this fund to CLASS of 2018 dues. (Note 2018 white gift dues is a separate line item which we are not using for our class at this time). Both the Alumni class dues and white gifts are tax deductible. You can pay the 2018 class dues can be paid online at www.clscalumni.org   see DUES tab or pay in person at the front desk in Alumni Hall.



3-Our CLSC 2018 Alumni Class Project:

Many CLSC Alumni classes use their alumni class dues to support a special project such as a CLSC Alumni Association project or a project related to promoting reading of CLSC books (donate CLSC books).

Our CLSC 2018 Alumni group will now have our first Class project. Several of our CLSC 2018 class alumni have been donating annually to our CLSC 2018 Alumni dues and/or white gift. We will now use those accrued funds, plus future 2018 alumni donated funds through 2026, to support a very exciting and worthwhile project- supporting a librarian from Chautauqua county for a CLSC Alumni scholarship program

The CLSC Alumni Association has a scholarship program, that teachers and librarians working in Chautauqua County can apply to. The selected scholarship recipient attends one writing class offered at the Literary Arts Center at Alumni Hall during each summer for 4 summers. One of the 2023 Scholarship recipient’s is librarian, Beth Hadley. At the end of these four years, the recipient organizes a CLSC Reading Circle within their community.  2024 is year two of funding Beth’s scholarship project. Beth will graduate with CLSC Class of 2026.

 Our class project for four years, 2023- 2026, is to support the cost of her scholarship. The CLSC Alumni organization, that manages the scholarship program and selects the recipients, was very appreciative of our financial support of one scholarship recipient for four years.

Beth will be attending one of the writing classes during the CHQ 2024 summer. We will have an CLSC 2018 alumni gathering that Beth will attend so that you can meet her.


4-Other news

CLSC 2018 Class T-shirt

At the end of CHQ 2023, a committee was formed to work on a design for a CLSC 2018 t-shirt. This team is led by Hal Simmons. This is work in progress.


CHQ Summer of 2028- future event

During the summer of 2028, our Alumni class will celebrate our 10th anniversary.  We plan to hold an anniversary dinner.  Stay tuned.


CLSC Alumni Association Reading Circle

The CLSC Alumni Association launched a CLSC Reading Circle, via Zoom, just for CLSC Alumni to discuss selected CLSC books between CHQ seasons.  Three CLSC books were selected for discussion for the initial off-season program following CHQ 2023.

I hope some of you attended the excellent discussion on the CLSC book Horse by Geraldine Brooks held November 22, 2023, Nomadland  by Jessica Bruder held Feb 10, 2024 and  The Devil’s Element by Dan Egan held April 11.   The plan is to continue this AACLSC Reading Circle via Zoom following CHQ summer 2024.  Stay tuned.


2018 Alumni- please let me know which week(s) you will be attending CHQ this summer, if you have not already done so.  I will be at CHQ all summer.  I look forward to seeing you!


Best regards,

Jill Rose

CLSC Class of 2018, President


Cell: 443-510-6466

Dues, Volunteering, Membership

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Volunteer for an event or committee?
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 Hours in Season

Monday - Friday
12 - 5

12 - 5