2024 Events

Click on the button below to see the full calendar of 2024 Alumni Association Events.  Click on an event to see the details of that event. 






Chautauqua's Heart





Eventides take place weekly in the Ballroom of Alumni Hall.  Speakers offer knowledge, photographs, souvenirs, and stories from their experiences around the globe.



July 3, 2024
6:30 PM
Ballroom of Alumni Hall

Scott McDonald
 "How Educators Are Meeting the Challenges of ChatGPT "


Scott is the Head of the Department of Science Education at Penn State and an editor of the journal, “Science Education".





July 10, 2024
6:30 PM
Ballroom of Alumni Hall


Jeanne Wiebenga

"Antarctica Photos"


Chautauqua-based Wildlife Photographer Jeanne and a few other amateurs joined a small group of National Geographic photographers this past winter on a trip of a lifetime!





July 17, 2024
6:30 PM
Ballroom of Alumni Hall

Rebecca Brunotte
"WII Books in the Foxholes"


A look at the largest paperback book giveaway ever…the Armed Services Editions (ASE) program circa 1943-1947.  Over 120 million books, comprised of 1324 titles were distributed for free by our government to soldiers and sailors.  Also discover the ASE program connections to Chautauqua’s CLSC Historical Book List and the BTG.





July 24, 2024
6:30 PM
Ballroom of Alumni Hall

Scott & Cathy Leiber

Judith’s Reading Room


Scott and Cathy will talk about how the life work of one of America’s greatest librarians — Judith F. Krug — Scott’s first cousin —  has inspired their work to instill in others a love of reading.  Judy served as  Director for Intellectual Freedom at the American Library Association for over 40 years.  Her job was to defend librarians, teachers, authors and book sellers from those who wanted them fired for teaching a particular book or for providing a book. 


They founded Judith’s Reading Room in 2010 in Judith's memory.  To date, Judith's Reading Room has dedicated 106 libraries in 23 countries with over 133,000 books donated.  They will talk about what it takes to find a recipient organization and how they collaborate with organization to provide the perfect books for the perfect audience.





July 31, 2024
6:30  PM
Ballroom of Alumni Hall


Deb First

African-American House Archives


Ms. First will be discussing what the African-American House has learned thus far in their research.





August 14, 2024
6:30 PM
Ballroom of Alumni Hall


Roger Doebke

Chautauqua Dialogues


Learn how the dialogues foster the ideal of a “beloved community” by providing a forum in which people of diverse backgrounds can bring their political, religious, cultural and social beliefs, experiences and knowledge to conversations that matter and foster the idea that the manner in which we articulate our ideas is just as important as the ideas themselves.
















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 Hours in Season

Monday - Friday
12 - 5

12 - 5